An Umbrella company with simplicity, responsiveness et transparency since 2012

STA portage is an umbrella company that allow you to work as an independant without without any admnistrative hassle, enjoying all the benefits of a regular employee through a unique offering label call "Zéro Frais Cachés".

✔️ Without engagement ✔️ Begin now

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STA Portage 5% de commissions

Manage your business with simplicity

Our Unique offer in umbrella company

  • All included
  • No hidden cost garanted
5% de commission
Management of Professional Expenses and Remote work
Guaranteed payment on the 5th of the month
Full salary advance
Gift vouchers for culture, CESU (universal service employment check), and meal vouchers
Negotiated corporate health insurance
Employee savings plan: PEE (Employee Savings Plan) and PERCO (Collective Retirement Savings Plan)
Dedicated administrative and commercial advisor from 9 am to 8 pm
Access to the employee committee

Without engagement
You can leave whenever you want, whether you are on a permanent or fixed-term contract, and with no exit fees.

Do you know

The financial guarantee provided by STA Portage is one of the most robust in the industry. Your money is secured
Votre argent en sécurité
To reduce the risk of unpaid invoices, STA Portage offers financial monitoring of your clients.
securité financiere
STA Portage has implemented a two-factor authentication (2FA) for the validation of sensitive documents.
KYC chez STA Portage
certificat zero frais cachés fedeps

"Zéro Frais Cachés" label from FEDEP’s to protect YOU

This label aims to certify umbrella companies that do not charge any hidden fees on management expenses.

We are proud to have been accredited since the creation of the label, following several social, legal, and financial audits conducted by Fedep’s auditors.

Definition and Operation of an umbrella company

Umbrella company is a form of employment that is increasingly attracting people. This employment model allows individuals to work as independent contractors or entrepreneurs while enjoying the benefits of employee status.

To determine your compensation under this status, feel free to conduct an umbrella company simulation.

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STA Portage

Logo STA Portage

Our customer service is available Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM.

Head Office
31, cours des Juilliottes
94700 Maisons-Alfort

Label Zéro Frais cachés Portage salarial
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© STA Groupe – 2024
Logo STA Portage 2 fond transparent