In France, we don't get as much rain as in England, but we do have french umbrella companies.

STA Portage is the solution for international contractors who want to work in France. Thanks to STA Portage, you can work in France while enjoying the same social benefits as French employees. Thousands of freelancers trust us, so why don’t you?

My DMR (Daily Rate)

  Possible optimizations
  • Professional expenses
  • Meal vouchers
  • Train card
  • Telecommuting expenses
  • Gift vouchers
  • Services vouchers
  • Cultural vouchers
  • Employee Savings Plan (PEE)
  • Collective Retirement Savings Plan (PERCO)
Did you know?

the financial guarantee provided by STA Portage is one of the most robust in the industry. Your money is secure

Experience premium services at STA Portage designed for your professional growth.

A dedicated contact

If you have any questions regarding administrative or business matters, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment


A personal space designed for you

Your personal space allows you to manage your activity easily and quickly, whether on a tablet, smartphone, or computer. Here, you can enter your activity report (CRA), track your professional expenses, account summaries, checks, reserves, etc.

You have many benefits

As a portage salarial employee, you access a range of benefits including gift vouchers, CESU, restaurant vouchers, company health insurance, savings plans, and a works council.

Sending the onboarding link

Your sales manager will send you the onboarding link where you’ll need to fill in all your personal information.

Onboarding confirmed

Once the link is validated, the administrative service will send your company a mission form by email. Based on this mission form, a service contract will be send to your company for a digital signature.

Signing of your contract

You will receive the service contract established between the umbrella company and the end client.

Let the work begin

It’s time to carry out your assignment with your end client ! 

They trust us

+ 1000 companies

An offer at 5%

STA PORTAGE Other portage companies

Advance payment even if your invoice has not been paid

Pay option (2% to 3%)

Detailed pay slip right from the simulation


Preferential rates with bank, notary and broker


Dedicated advisor available from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Digital extranet account


Works committee: Trips, concerts, parks...


FEDEP'S "Zero Hidden Costs" label

Rare. Only 8 companies certified

Member of the PEPS union

Frequent but not systematic

Portage salarial agreement

Frequent but not systematic

Company Savings Plan (PEE)

Often a paying option


Often available at extra cost


Often available at extra cost

Gift vouchers

Often available at extra cost

Meal vouchers

Often available at extra cost

Business expenses (telecommuting, mileage, travel, subscriptions, catering, moving, etc.)

Rarely all types of business expenses offered

Meal vouchers (Swile card)

Often pay-as-you-go + STA Portage = even more opportunities

STA portage is now supported by This strategic alliance strengthens our position in the freelance administration marke in France. has a one billion euros turnover,
international presence and an established reputation in the world of freelance workers. Thanks to this alliance, STA will be able to offer you innovative and tailor-made freelance opportunities.

Take advantage of our combined expertise to propel your career to new horizons.


The FEDEP'S "Zero Hidden Costs" label

The aim of this label is to certify those portage salarial companies that do not charge any hidden management fees.

We are proud to have been awarded this label since its creation, following several social, legal and financial audits carried out by FEDEP’S auditors.

Ophelia ABBE

International business manager

Don’t hesitate to contact me directly to discuss your next opportunities. 

We answer your questions

Everything related to your professional activity is eligible for business expenses refund. Equipment such as computers, printers, mileage allowances, software, transportation costs, client lunches or dinners… In view of the current health crisis, you are also entitled to teleworking expenses, which will be based on your rent if you are a tenant, or the gross rental value of your home if you own it.

STA Portage is a true « portage salarial » company, which means it adheres to the « convention du portage salarial » (visible on all STA Portage payslips). As a result, we are obliged to take out a financial guarantee with AXA, so your money is totally protected.

What’s more, STA Portage is a subsidiary of STA Groupe, a holding company with share capital in excess of millions of euros.

There is no minimum or maximum notice period at STA Portage. Only 1 month’s notice is required for employees who have been with STA Portage for more than 8 months (and who have therefore completed their trial period) to prepare for the contractual termination.

Yes, you can benefit from portage in addition to another employment contract or other self-employed status (AE, SASU, etc.).

It is simple! Everything is done electronically, after filling in the link we’ll send you. We’ll then contact your client to sign a service contract, and send you an employee contract. The fact that we’ve digitized this process will save you time, flexibility and responsiveness.

3 types of profession are not eligible for freelance administration: regulated professions, personal services (individuals) and product sales. Apart from these, any profession is eligible for freelance administration.

In freelance administration, employees have the status of salaried workers, so they accumulate paid leave. However, as the days are not billed to the client, they are counted as unpaid absence. Leave is therefore paid out every month at a rate of 10% of gross salary.

For consultants who have been with STA Portage on a permanent contract for more than 8 months (the trial period is therefore over), 1 month’s notice is required in order to prepare for the contractual termination. If the permanent contract is not validated, a simple end to the trial period effective immediately is sufficient, so there is no notice period to respect before leaving STA Portage.

Like all employees in France, withholding tax is paid directly on your payslip, so you don’t have to do anything extra to pay your taxes.

But you need to submit your annual tax report to the tax administration.

You don’t need a status to sign up, because STA Portage is there to offer you a status – that of a ported employee – which enables you to carry out an assignment as a self-employed person.

Yes, STA Portage has been awarded the « Zero Hidden Costs » label every year since the label was created.

Yes, STA Portage includes a salary advance in its unique 5% offer. Don’t worry about your salary, you’ll receive it every 05th of the month regardless of your client’s payment.

You can leave whenever you want to, whether you have a fixed term or a permanent contract without any fees.


STA Portage

Logo STA Portage

Our customer service is available Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM.

Head Office
31, cours des Juilliottes
94700 Maisons-Alfort

Label Zéro Frais cachés Portage salarial
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